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Robin T. Popp
About Robin T. Popp

From a young age, Robin T. Popp has been captivated by the art of storytelling. Her imagination was sparked by the Nancy Drew mystery books and the iconic Star Trek television series, and later fueled by Laurell K. Hamilton's captivating tales of vampires and romance.


In 2003, Robin released her debut book, Too Close to the Sun, and went on to publish eight more books before temporarily stepping away from writing due to personal obligations. After a brief hiatus due to "life" and a day job, Robin returned to her passion for writing in 2022.


Now, free from the responsibilities of raising children and retired from her day job, Robin dedicates all her time and energy towards crafting stories that enchant readers with elements of paranormal and science fiction, along with hints of romance and mystery that keep them on the edge of their seats

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